Friday, February 27, 2009

When you are growing
Do you feel younger and younger?
Each Year, each painful process.
If you can remember how painful it was, to become what you are, the first sips of bitter alcohol, every hangover, the terrible taste and coughing of the first cigarettes, the pain to shove your fist inside your mouth to silence the cry, bringing out anger instead. It happened little by little, everyday, hardening yourself inside out, outside in.
How could the reverse path be less painful? It is painful to become flexible again, in your body, in your mind and soul. It is painful to find the tears hidden inside all the anger. Painful to quit smoking, to give up drugs, to change the patterns.
It could not NOT be painful to get back the truth, your inner child, if you want to call that.
But it's there. All it takes is the same courage it did for you to get here, everyday a little effort, dissolving the pain so it won't hurt so bad.
Breathe and be patient. Where are you heading to?
